Entry resubmission

What is resubmission?

Entry resubmission is a helpful feature that allows program managers the ability to provide access to selected entrants to make updates to their submitted entries outside of a normal entry round.

Note: the entry resubmission option only appears for entries which have already been submitted. Those entries who have also completed an eligibility screener will need to recheck eligibility before resubmitting. 
Important: entries requiring resubmission are not prevented from being assigned for judging. If using this feature, ensure they have been resubmitted before commencing judging. Alternatively, revert to in progress instead. 

Should I use resubmission?

This feature is particularly useful if your entry process consists of two stages. To allow only selected entries to be modifiable, you can invite resubmission.

Example: only shortlisted applicants might be invited to answer additional questions after entry submission.

Trigger from Entries

To trigger individually:

  1. Open the Manage workspace and go to Entries
  2. Click the three dots icon to the left of the entry you want to change
  3. Select Require resubmission from the menu
    Require resubmission in ellipsis menu.png

To trigger in bulk:

  1. In the Manage workspace, navigate to Entries
  2. Click the checkbox next to the submitted entries you'd like to trigger resubmission for
  3. Open the Action drop-down
  4. Select Require resubmission
    Require resubmission in Action drop-down.png

Trigger from the managers' view of an entry

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Entries
  2. Click on the ID or name of the entry you want to change
  3. From the entry info screen, click the overflow menu next to Status
  4. Select Require resubmission from the menu
    Require resubmission in manager's entry view.png
Note: the status of the entry changes to 'Resubmission required' on the Entrant list of entries. This indicates which entry needs to be updated. Additionally, the 'Submit entry' button changes to 'Resubmit entry'.
Resubmission required status

Controlling dates

To define when the resubmission must be completed, you'll need to set a deadline within your program's entry round. If no Review / resubmission ends date or time has been set, entrants can resubmit entries indefinitely. 

Resubmission ends field.png

Note: for programs with paid entries, resubmission does not require additional payment. For that, you will need to set up a second stage payment.
Note: custom entry deadlines cannot be assigned for submissions flagged for resubmission. 


A notification can be set up to send an email to the entrant at the time the entry is resubmitted. This is achieved by creating an automated notification using the 'Entry resubmitted' trigger.

Note: resubmitting an entry does not trigger the 'Entry submitted' notification.

To create the 'Entry resubmitted' notification, follow these steps

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Settings > General > Notifications
  2. Click New notification
  3. Select Entry resubmitted from the Trigger dropdown menu
  4. Complete the rest of the notification, adding in a subject line and email body.
    Tip: use merge fields to pull in relevant information from the resubmitted entry.
  5. Save
Important: to learn about regional regulations and limitations association with SMS, check out our dedicated guide: SMS limitations
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