Can entrants change their payment method?

During the checkout process, an entrant may inadvertently select the 'Invoice' option, use the wrong credit card, or pay the incorrect fee for their entry. Correcting this error is easy! Just follow the steps outlined below.

Important: reverting an entry to in progress or deleting an invoice does not automatically generate a refund. If this is required, you will need to process the refund through your payment gateway. 

Step 1: revert the entry to in progress

This will allow your entrant to resubmit their entry and enter the checkout flow once again.

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Entries
  2. Click the three dots icon to the left of the entry you want to change
  3. Select Revert to in progress from the menu
    Revert to in progress.png

Step 2: delete the existing invoice

Removing the incorrect invoice not only makes for easier bookkeeping, this will also remove the 'Awaiting payment' note from your Manage entries page. 

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Orders
  2. Select the checkbox that corresponds to your entry
  3. Open the Action drop-down and select the Delete option 

Step 3: inform the entrant

Once the entry has been returned to in progress and the previous invoice has been removed, the entrant will need to log in and submit their entry once again to access the cart. You can send an email broadcast to inform them.

Important: if the submitted entry has already been assigned for judging, it will be removed from the judging view when reverted to in progress.
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