Setting up early bird and late fees

You may have different prices for entries based on when the entrant submits their entry. For example, you may have an early bird price, a standard price, and then a late fee. To set these prices up, you’ll need to create a new price for each option by following the steps below.

Create the prices

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Payments > Prices
  2. Click New price
  3. Provide a title, type, and amount for the price
  4. Select the Default fee checkbox for your early bird price
    Default fee checkbox.png
  5. Save

For more details, see: Payment configuration.

Change prices

Changing from one price to another, such as from the early bird rate to the standard price, is done manually. 

When the early bird price has expired:

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Settings > Payments > Prices
  2. Click on the standard price (or the price that should be used after the early bird price)
  3. Select Default fee checkbox
  4. Save
  5. Open the early bird price
  6. Deselect Available on cart (if selected) so entrants can’t see it on the cart
  7. Save

Repeat the steps above when the standard price expired and the late fee comes into effect.

Important: do not delete a previously used price as it will affect existing orders of submitted entries.
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