Each of the sections nested in the Manage workspace under Settings > Payments are designed to be configured in order--we recommend stepping through these one by one to set-up payments on your account. The following guide provides further information on these settings.
Entry payment: choose whether your program's users need to pay upon entry submission or pay to start an entry. Learn more about paying to start an entry here: Prepaid entries.
Cart options: select whether your users are required to input their billing address if their cart has zero cart value. If you live in a country or territory without states, you can also opt to remove the 'state' field from the cart.
Billing information: input your organisation's details (or the details of the billing organisation). These details will be displayed on invoices provided to your users.
Payment methods: you may use any or all of the listed payment methods. At least one is required in order to take payments.
Credit card:
- Using this method, you must have your own supported payment gateway account. If you don't have a gateway or your current gateway isn't listed we suggest using Stripe as it is available in almost all countries and is easy to set up within a few minutes. Please keep in mind - depending on the gateway you choose, it can take some days or weeks for the provider to establish your account.
- The system will issue an invoice to the user for them to pay according to your preferred method (listed on the invoice). There is an option for you to provide payments instructions on the invoice.
- Using this method, you must have at least a PayPal Express Checkout account. The settings API Username, API Password and API Signature are all required and can be obtained by logging in to your PayPal account.
Available with the Stripe gateway only:
If you would like to include basic entry information in the description line that displays within your payment processor, add it here using merge fields. This may be helpful for organisations that wish to identify exactly which entry (or entries) a payment is associated with. Entrants submitting multiple entries within one payment will see these separated by a comma.
Next invoice number
If your organisation would like to continue its current invoice numbering sequence from a prior platform or accounting software, you can do so by adding a value to the 'Next invoice number' field.
Payment processing fees
Your payment gateway likely charges you fees, typically a percentage of the transaction amount that often varies for different credit cards. You have the option of recouping these payment processing fees (%) depending on the user's payment method.
Test mode
Turning on test mode allows you to make test transactions without real charges being made. Depending on your gateway, you may have to use different gateway credentials for testing and may also need to use specific dummy credit card details. Please check with your gateway provider for more information.
Payment gateways
Payment provider
If you have opted to accept credit cards as a payment method in the Manage workspace under Settings > Payments > General, you will need to select a Payment provider from this section. If you don't have a gateway or your current gateway isn't listed we suggest using Stripe because it's available in almost all countries and is easy to set up within a few minutes. For a list of supported payment gateways, see: Which payment gateways do you support?
Gateway credentials
Depending on the provider selected, different gateway credentials are required. You can usually find your gateway credentials by logging in to your payment gateway account and looking for "API" or "Integration". If you have trouble finding your gateway credentials, contact your provider's support.
All accounts:
Accepted cards
The cards you check under accepted cards are dependent upon your payment gateway.
At least one currency must be selected for your account. If you want to support payment in multiple currencies, you can check those that you will support. To set which currency is your program's default, select the Default checkbox during configuration. The default currency is what the user's cart will be priced in before they make their own currency choice if multiple currencies are supported.
By default, your account has one GST / VAT tax rate configured, "Rest of world" at 0%. You can set tax rates that you need to collect by clicking New tax rate and selecting the country and region you will collect a tax for. You can do this for as many countries/regions as necessary.
When a user goes to check out, they select their billing country on the cart and any applicable configured tax for that country is added. If they select a billing country that does not explicitly have a tax rate configured, they are charged the "Rest of world" tax rate.
For payments to work properly, a price is required. The price(s) that are configured here will be charged to your users. To create a price follow the steps below.
- Open the Manage workspace and go to Settings > Payments > Prices
- Click New price
- Give this price a Title, keeping in mind that this will be visible to your users
- Select a price Type
Entrant price:
- This price is added to the cart once per registered user per season. The user can submit as many entries as permitted in the season and are not charged the entrant fee again, even across multiple cart submissions.
Entry price:
- This price is added to the cart for every entry submitted.
Tag price:
- This price will be applied if a configured tag has been added to the entry. This most commonly used in Second stage payment configuration.
Entrant price:
Choose whether the price is:
Default fee
- If there is more than one price option (ex. Member price and Non-member price) a separate price should be created for each, and the user is presented with prices to select from on the cart. In this case, the price set as the default fee will be pre-selected on the cart.
Available for selection on cart
- The price must be set as Available for selection on cart for a user to be able to choose a price. Prices may be configured but not selectable if they are, for example, only available with a discount code.
Require member number to unlock
You may Require a member number to unlock a price, in which case a field is displayed for input if the price is selected.
Note: the input is not automatically checked for validity but is recorded and users can be spot-checked by organisers as a current and valid member.
You may Require a member number to unlock a price, in which case a field is displayed for input if the price is selected.
Default fee
- Add in the amount of the price in each supported currency
Create variants if pricing is varied among your various categories or dependent on a specific field value by clicking Add variant
Note: pricing variants can be based on checkbox, checkbox list, drop-down list, and radio button field types.Important: in the case of overlapping/conflicting price variant rules, the price that will be charged is the first in the list from top to bottom, so price variants can be ordered using the drag control on the left. - Save
Pricing rules
Volume entry pricing
Volume entry pricing displays options for configuring multiple pricing tiers based on entry volume.
By default, there are two tiers that cannot be deleted: First x entries and Remaining entries. Additional tiers can be added in between, clicking New tier. You can add as many tiers as you need, setting how many entries apply to that tier.
Every tier can have a discount typeset from the following options:
- Full price (not discounted)
- Discount amount (a set amount)
- Discount percentage (a variable amount, depending on the evaluated entry price)
- Alternate entry price (selected from any other configured entry price)
Volume entry pricing applies for the user for the duration of a season, even across multiple cart submissions/payments.
Related entries rule
Related entries allow you to modify the pricing of entries that are related based on a specific entry field. If multiple entries have a field value in common, you can:
- Charge for the first related entry only
- Apply a discount amount to the second and subsequent related entries
Discount codes
Configuring discount codes provides you the ability to give users a discount to their cart. To set up a discount code, follow these steps:
- In the Manage workspace, navigate to Settings > Payments > Discount codes
- Click New discount code
- Create the Code your users will need to access the discount
Note: codes can only use letters and numbers, no spaces or special characters. Codes are not case sensitive. - Set the Maximum uses for your program (ex. the first 15 entries receive a discount) if desired
- Assign a Maximum uses per user if the discount code should only be used a certain number of times by an entrant
Note: this value sets the number of times the code can be used at checkout by each user, regardless of the number of entries they're submitting. - Choose whether the Discount applies to all categories or if the Discount applies to some categories
- Choose the discount Type
- Discount amount (a set amount which will be deducted from the default price)
- Discount percentage (a variable amount, depending on the evaluated entry price)
- Alternate entry price (selected from any other configured entry price)
- Select whether to Apply discount to every item or Apply discount to whole cart
- Enter in the discount amount, percentage, or select the proper alternate entry price
- Choose an expiry date, if applicable
- Select the Discount is active checkbox if the code should be available for use
- Save
When a user enters the discount code on the cart, they unlock the configured discount option. Discount codes are recorded on the order transaction for reference/reconciliation.
Early or late payments
You may want to add an early or late price for submissions to encourage entrants to submit their entry by a particular date. To do this you would create a new price at Settings > Payments > Prices and set it to the Default fee when you're ready for this price to go live. For full details, check out this guide: Setting up early bird and late fees.
Entrant experience
When an entrant completes the payment process, either by paying online or choosing the invoice option (if applicable), an order is generated along with a PDF invoice available for download.
Managers can also download an invoice by navigating to Orders in the Manage workspace, clicking on an invoice number, and then clicking Download invoice from the resulting page.