My colleague requires manager access. Can I add them?

As a program manager, you can give manager access to as many users as you like.

Create a manager account

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Users
  2. Click New user
  3. Add the person's name, email address, and a password consisting of 12 or more characters
  4. Under 'Account roles', select Program manager
  5. Click Save

The user can change their password after logging in by clicking on their name at the top right and going to Profile

Award Force profile menu.png

Make an existing user a manager

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Users
  2. Search for the user by name or email address, click on the user
  3. Under 'Account roles', select Program manager
  4. Click Save
Tip: if you need to make multiple existing users into managers, the role can be applied in bulk. For details, see: Assign/remove user roles in bulk or individually.

Invite your manager(s)

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Users
  2. Click Invite users
  3. Provide the email address(es) of the user(s) you'd like to invite
  4. Under 'Account roles', select Program manager
  5. If desired, compose a message
  6. Send invite

For more information on inviting managers, see: Adding users.

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