How do I change a user's role?

During the course of a season you may need to change the role associated with a user. For example, you may want to make an entrant into a judge or add an additional role to a user. To change a user's role, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Users
  2. Locate the user and then click on their name
  3. Under 'Account roles', simply select or de-select the user roles as necessary
    Account roles checkbox list
  4. Save 
Tip: should you need to update the roles assigned to multiple users, you can do so quickly by following the instructions here: Assign/remove user roles in bulk or individually

If you want to edit permissions for a specific role open the Manage workspace and go to Settings > Users > Roles; see our Ultimate guide to user roles for more information. 

Note: configurable user roles are a feature of the Pro plan and above. 
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