Copy account configuration

Award Force offers a service to copy all or some of the configuration of your program from one account to another. This service is billable by account and can be facilitated multiple times within a 60 day period. 

Note: this is a paid service and will be invoiced in your account billing currency. 

Program costAUD 1450 | CAD 1350 | EUR 900 | GBP 750 | HKD 7500 | NZD 1600 | SGD 1280 | USD 980 (+ applicable taxes)

Who should use this feature? 

If your organisation requires multiple Award Force accounts to conduct different programs, it's possible that there is significant overlap in the branding, type of information collected in, and roles between the two accounts. Copying your configuration between accounts is now possible! Simply follow the steps outlined below to copy any (or all of!) the following:

Important: in order to copy the configuration between two accounts, your user must be the owner of the destination account and a program manager in the originating account. 

Copy account configuration

  1. Navigate to or simply click on your name in the top right corner of your program and choose My Award Force
    My Award Force in profile menu.png
  2. In the My Award Force view, click the ellipsis (three dots) next to the account you'd like to copy the configuration of and choose Copy configuration
    Copy configuration in ellipsis menu.png
  3. Set the destination account that the copy is going to
    Set copy destination.png
    Tip: if your desired destination account does not appear in the drop-down, double check that your user profile has the program manager role. 
  4. Choose the settings you wish to copy into the new account, including content blocks, roles, theming, interface text, and more
    Choose settings to copy.png
  5. Select the season and configuration options you wish to copy to the new account, including the categories, tabs, fields, and more from your entry form
    Choose season to copy.png
    Tip: you can opt to add "(copy)" to the end of your copied settings or remove this to carry just the original naming convention.
  6. Click Copy
  7. When the account copy has been completed, a confirmation message will appear
    Settings copied successfully message.png

Once the process has concluded, the configuration items selected in the copying process will be visible in the destination account. 


  • The copying may take several minutes to complete and a browser refresh may be required. 
  • There are dependencies associated with settings to be copied. For example, choosing not to copy score sets will automatically deselect scoring criteria and panels. 
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