Removing a program manager’s role

If a program manager has left your organisation, or the role is being transferred to a different staff member, we strongly recommend you remove the program manager role from this previous user. Why? Only authorised program managers should be able to edit your program’s configuration and have access to all the entries and judging data.

Note: only the owner of the account can remove a program manager's role.

To remove the role follow these steps:

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Users
  2. Locate the user you need to remove the role from
    Tip: set the 'Advanced' search Role filter to Program manager to locate the user faster.
  3. Click the user's name
  4. Deselect the Program manager checkbox under 'Account roles'
    Program manager role checkbox
    Tip: if the user should be able to create and submit entries moving forward, select the Entrant checkbox.
  5. Save

For related information on deleting a user from your program, please visit: Delete and undelete users and Permanent deletion of users.

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