Delete and undelete users

In Award Force, program managers have the ability to delete and undelete users. This step can be done via the Users section of the Manage workspace.

Note: deleting users is only a soft delete, which means they can be undeleted if needed. If you would like to delete a user permanently, please read this help article: Permanent deletion of users.

Delete a user

  1. Open the Manage workspace and go to Users
  2. Select the checkbox next to the name you want to delete
  3. Open the Action drop-down
  4. Click Delete
    Delete option in Action drop-down
  5. Confirm the deletion in the pop-up that appears
Important: deleted users can still sign into their account. Signing in will undelete the account and restore membership.

Undelete a user

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Users
  2. Open the All but deleted drop-down and select Deleted
    All but deleted toggle
  3. Select the checkbox next to the user name you want to undelete
  4. Open the Action drop-down
  5. Click Undelete
  6. Switch the view back to All but deleted
Note: an email address registered within the Award Force platform will be recognised, even if the user is deleted. Read more: User accounts and program connections
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