Show/hide fields for judging

You have the ability to remove the visibility of fields from judging modes. For example, you may not want to display entrant contact details to judges or the general public during voting.

By default, field visibility is on for all judging modes. To turn off the visibility for particular fields:

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Judging > Settings > Score sets
  2. Click on the score set title for the score set you would like to configure
  3. Open the 'Display' tab
  4. Deselect the checkbox in the Visible column for the fields you would like to hide
    Note: the field name that displays under the field visibility section corresponds to the ‘short title’ of the entry field.
    Field visibility checkbox

  5. Click Save
Note: fields added to your entry form after a score set has been configured will not appear by default. If you add more fields in the future, you will need to make them visible within your score set.

Show/hide attachments

If you'd like judges to see some attachments but not others, you can add fields to the attachment. This step is helpful when you want to associate some extra information with the attachment. To do this:

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Entries > Fields
  2. Click Add field
  3. Select the Attachment field resource from the list
  4. Click Next
  5. Select Drop-down list from Field type
  6. Configure your options as desired
    Drop-down configuration example
  7. Save 

Whenever an entrant uploads an attachment, they will have the option to select one of these field types.

You now have the advantage of showing or hiding specific attachment field types from judges. In the Manage workspace, go to Judging > Settings > Score sets and open a score set for editing. Then select the 'Display' tab and under 'Attachments' select which types you'd like to display.

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