The Award Force platform has been engineered with judges like you in mind. The interface is simple and intuitive with easy-to-use elements that allow you to quickly and easily evaluate the entries you've been assigned. Below you'll find some commonly asked questions along with their answers and links to helpful articles.
Registration and login
How do I register for an account? |
Registering for an account is easy! Simply navigate to the URL provided by program organisers and key in the your email address or mobile number before clicking Continue.
Note: some programs may only support email registration.
If your email or mobile number is not associated with another program you'll be asked to confirm your identity with a six digit security verification code before providing your first name, last name, and a 12-character password.
Note: the six digit code expires after 10 minutes.
What if I forgot my password? |
If you've forgotten your Award Force password, there's no need to worry. From your program's login page, simply click the Forgot password link shown below and follow the prompt. For more information check out our Ultimate guide to user passwords. If you continue to have issues logging in, contact your program's organisers. |
How can I change my login information? |
You can update your login information at any time by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the page and selecting Profile. From here, you can change your email address or set a new 12-character password containing uppercase and lowercase letters, a number, and a symbol. |
I'm not receiving emails from this program. What can I do? |
If you aren't receiving messages from this program, there are a few things you can check:
How do I enable dark mode? |
You can quickly enable dark mode for your user profile by following these steps:
Judging FAQ
How will I know if I have entries to evaluate? |
Program organisers may reach out to you through a feature of the platform called broadcasts to alert you of important dates, new entries to evaluate, and more. It's important that, during registration, you opt into broadcasts and notifications for this purpose. If you've already registered and would like to view or edit your selections, click on your name in the top right corner of the page, select Profile, and open the Preferences tab. You can learn more here: Do I need broadcasts and notifications? Are they important? |
Why can I only see 'My entries' when I log in? |
It's possible that you've accidentally logged into the platform or registered using a different email address. If you're not sure which email address to use to evaluate your assigned entries, contact your program's organisers. |
How do I filter my assigned entries? |
You can filter the entries you've been assigned by using the 'Browse by category' filter or the 'Advanced' search. The 'Advanced' search also allows you to filter by status, i.e. 'To be scored', 'In progress', or 'Complete'. |
How do I know which entries need to be evaluated? |
Entries that require your attention will be marked as 'To be scored' in the VIP judging mode... or have no decision shown in the Qualifying judging mode. You can evaluate these by clicking on the entry's ID number or name, depending on configuration. For instructions on how to evaluate entries, see the sections below. |
What does the 'In progress' status mean? |
'In progress' entries have had the evaluation process started, but have not had their requirements fulfilled. For example, a scoring criteria may have been missed or a judging comment may be required. Once all requirements have been met, the status will change to 'Complete'. |
How do I leave a comment? |
If commenting has been enabled by program organisers, you'll see a 'Comment on this entry' area at the bottom of the page similar to what is shown below. Files can also be uploaded into your comments on an entry using the image icon shown below. Accepted file types include .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, and .xlsx. In the VIP judging mode, commenting may also be enabled for individual scoring criteria. |
Do I need to click a save button in order for my scores and comments to save? |
The Award Force platform will auto-save your progress every 20 or so seconds, but we do recommend saving your progress as you go along just in case you lose internet connection. |
How can I print out my assigned entries? |
Depending on the configuration of the program's judging, you can print out your assigned entries by clicking the small PDF icon associated with an entry. Additionally, if bulk downloading has been enabled you can click the Bulk download button at the bottom of the page to receive an email containing a .ZIP file of all assigned entries and their PDFs. |
Can I score offline? |
If you've downloaded your assignments as outlined in the previous question, each entry PDF may include boxes for you to pencil in your scores and comments. These scores and comments, however, will need to be added to Award Force platform to be counted. |
I've finished my assignments, what do I do now? |
Once you've completed all of your judging assignments, you're all set! There's no need to submit anything further as your scores and comments have already been saved. |
VIP (score based) judging
How do I score entries? | To score an entry:
How do I change a score? |
To edit a score:
Editing of completed scores may not be available. Please reach out to your program organisers if you'd like to update a score that has been locked. |
Top pick judging
How do I pick my top entries? |
Top pick an entry:
Picks can also be selected directly from the Entries view. |
How do I change one of my picks? |
To edit a pick:
Picks can also be edited directly from the Entries view. |
Qualifying judging
How do I qualify entries? |
To make a qualifying decision:
How do I remove or change my qualifying decision? |
To edit a qualifying decision:
To remove a qualifying decision:
How do I cast a vote? |
To cast a vote:
Votes can also be cast directly from the voting view by clicking on the Vote button associated with an entry. |
How do I revoke a vote? |
To revoke a vote:
How do I see who I've voted for? |
To see the entry/entries you've voted for:
To see the total number of votes cast per category, refresh the page and look for the number icons near the category quick filter, if available. |
Getting help
How do I contact the organisers of the platform for support queries? | Program organisers will often provide a contact email address or phone number within the platform. Two common places to check for that information would be on the login page in the 'Start here' box or within the content block located on your Entries page.
Tip: ask the organisers to preview as your user to assist with troubleshooting.