Captions for attachments

Award Force is committed to making a product that is accessible to everyone which is why our video player supports text alternatives for video content.

Caption files are known as web video text track files and have the extension .vtt. They will display automatically when the video is played by entrants, judges, or program managers.

How to add captions

1. Upload the video file as an attachment or single file upload

2. Click the Select file button to upload a captions file to accompany the video

Select file button with video file upload

How to create a caption file

Caption files are text files that contain the script or dialog for a video or audio file. These can be created using a text editor and then saved with the extension .vtt.

The file starts with WEBVTT to indicate this is a .vtt file. Leave a space beneath the WEBVTT and between each caption. Every caption in the sequence is given a timeframe window in the format 00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000 (hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds) which is the beginning and end time for that caption. Here's an example file below:


00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000
That’s where Award Force comes in 

00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:06.000
with its beautifully designed interface

00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:10.000
that makes managing an award program simple and fast.

Save this file with the extension .vtt.

Some external video services such as YouTube can create .vtt files for you. If you upload a video to YouTube and enable subtitles for the video you'll have the option to download the .vtt file that YouTube created.

  1. Edit your video in YouTube Studio
  2. Click subtitles in the menu on the left
  3. Click the three dots icon next to duplicate and edit
  4. Then choose download and .vtt
    VTT file type


Note: this feature is available as an add-on for Premier accounts. For questions about your subscription and upgrades, contact our client success team. 

For accounts with auto-captioning enabled, videos will automatically have a caption file generated during video transcoding. When the process has finished, it will appear as shown below. 

Caption file.png

Should the caption need to be adjusted for any reason, such as a spelling or grammatical error, simply follow these steps:

  1. In the entry, click on the ellipsis (three dots) next to the caption name
    Captions ellipsis button.png
  2. Choose Download from the available options
  3. Open the file on your computer 
  4. Make the required adjustments to the .vtt file 
  5. Back in the entry, click the ellipsis again and choose Replace
  6. Choose the .vtt file from your computer
  7. Save your entry when finished
Important: as auto-captioning is completed during transcoding, the feature should be enabled before your program begins accepting submissions. 
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