Copying entries between seasons and programs

Tip: if you want to copy an entry in the same season then you can use the copy button at Entries in the Manage workspace. For more information, check out this guide: Copy an entry.
Note: copying entries between seasons or programs can only be performed by someone with program manager role.
Important: entries can only be copied between programs within the same region. For example, entries into an account stored in Europe can only be copied to other accounts stored within the European region.

My Award Force

You can copy entries between seasons and programs with Award Force. To do this, you'll need to sign in to your account from the My Award Force page at

Tip: you can also access My Award Force via your own account by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the screen and selecting My Award Force.
My Award Force in profile menu.png

Here you will find all the accounts you are associated with. 

My Award Force login page


Once you've logged in, click the three dots icon under the program you want to copy from and choose Copy entries.

Copy entries option


Select source and destination

Select the name of your program from the Source and Destination drop-down menus. When copying entries between seasons the program name for source and destination will be the same. 

Once you've selected the program name you'll see options to select the season and the category. 


Set destination for copied entries


Automatically pair fields

If the fields on the entry form are the same between the source and destination then check the box next to Automatically pair fields and click Next. This means Award Force will automatically match fields from the source season with the destination season. 


Automatically pair fields checkbox

If you see any blank fields in the list under Details then this means a corresponding field in the new season has not been found to pair with the field in the old season. You can find one manually by clicking the box to the top right of the blank field and then selecting the source field. 

Pair fields option


If the fields are different or you want to pair them to different fields in the new season then deselect Automatically pair fields and click Next.  

You'll see a table where you can select which fields to use from the source entry by clicking the small square with an arrow in it:

Source field settings

The fields under Details represent the fields in the season you're copying to.  

Copy the entry

When you're happy with the field pairings click Save

Select the entry to copy

Now you're ready to select an entry to copy. You can either select an entry from the list or use the filtering options to search for the entry. 


Select entries to copy 

Once you've found the entry, check the box to the left of the entry ID then click the Copy button. You can select more than one entry to copy at a time. To complete the process you'll need to click the Confirm button on the next page.


Confirm button to copy


Note: when an entry is copied, the copied entry's status will be in progress, even if the original entry's status was submitted. This means the entrant(s) must review and submit the copied entry(s) from within the actual program in the new (active) season. If payments are enabled, they will also have to pay to submit the entry.
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