Can I configure a comment only judging round?

Not all programs require judging that involves scoring or leaving decisions on entries. Instead, programs may simply wish to gather input from judges in the form of comments. To achieve this, you can use the Gallery mode of judging.

Configure a gallery score set

You can utilise the judging fast start located in the Manage workspace under Judging > Manage by clicking Judging fast start or follow the steps outlined below. If using the judging fast start, please note that you will need to navigate into the score set and select the commenting option mentioned in step seven. 

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Judging > Settings > Score sets
  2. Create a New score set
  3. Name the score set— this name will be used in the menu to navigate to the gallery
  4. Choose the Gallery judging mode
  5. Start and End dates/times for the gallery are optional
    Tip: if you do not set a 'Starts' date and time, the gallery is open immediately. If an 'Ends' date and time is not defined, it remains open indefinitely.
  6. Open the 'Display' tab
  7. In the 'Commenting' area, select the Comment on entry invited checkbox
  8. Save

Create a gallery panel

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Judging > Settings > Panels
  2. Create a New panel
  3. Give the panel a meaningful name
  4. Set Gallery judging mode and select the gallery score set you have just created
  5. Define the Entries to be included in the gallery by limiting to set chapters, categories and tags
  6. Define Who will be able to see the gallery
  7. Save

How can I export the comments from my gallery?

You will notice that there is no leaderboard for your gallery as there are technically no results to populate from a gallery. However, you can view and export comments from your gallery via Judging > Settings > Assignments.

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