Add a content block to a tab

There are two easy ways to add a content block to a tab:

Pre-populating content

  1. Create the content block
    1. In the Manage workspace, go to Settings > Content > Content blocks
    2. Click New content block
    3. Under Location, choose Tab info box
    4. Compose your content
    5. If desired, denote whether this content block is visible to all users or only those with specific roles under Role visibility
    6. Click Save
  2. Assign content block to tab
    1. Go to Entries and click Edit form
    2. Click on the settings icon associated with your tab
      Tab settings icon.png
    3. In Content block drop-down of the configuration tray, choose the content block you just created
    4. Click Save

To learn more about content blocks, check out our dedicated guide: Content configuration and management.

Using the form editor

  1. From the Manage workspace, go to Entries and click Edit form
  2. Navigate to the tab that you'd like to add a content block to
  3. Click the pencil icon
    Pencil icon in tab.png
  4. Add your content
  5. Click Save

The new content block will be available in the list in the Manage workspace under Settings > Content > Content blocks for future editing or you can simply click the pencil icon again from within the entry form to access the content block and make instant changes.

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