Can I bulk-download entries?

Bulk-downloading entries is an easy task and can be done from any of these views:

  • In the Manage workspace under Entries
  • From the Manage workspace under Judging > Leaderboard
  • In the Enter workspace under Entries
  • From the Judge workspace under Entries (if the setting has been enabled; see: Bulk download for judges)

Request a download

  1. Navigate to the page you would like to download from
  2. If desired, apply filters search filters to locate the entries you want; e.g. all 'submitted' entries
  3. Select the checkboxes next to each entry that you want to download or tick the 'select all' checkbox at the top-left of the list
    Tip: if you have more than one page of results, you will need to either increase the number of results you see per page or navigate through your pages, performing the download action from each page.
  4. Open the Action drop-down
  5. Click Download to start the download process
    Download link in Action drop-down.png 

An on-screen message will be displayed letting you know the process has started. Once ready, an email will be sent with a link to a zip file. Click the link to download the zip folder to your local machine.

When you unzip the folder, there will be one folder for each entry. These folders contain all attachments and a PDF inclusive of all fields applicable to the entry, including those from review flow.

To view a list of your account's completed downloads, click on your name in the top corner of the screen and select Downloads.

Award Force Downloads menu.png

The download links on the resulting page are available for 48 hours from the time of creation. 

Important: to increase the efficiency of your downloads, all attachment files over 500MB in size will be included as a link within a text file. 


Why can I only download 100 entries at a time, maximum? 
List views display a maximum of 100 entries at a time. That imposes a maximum of 100 entries that can be selected for download. The download process is very resource-intensive, adding a lot of load to servers, and so the action of performing a bulk download is limited to 100 at a time to ensure everyone continues to have a fantastic, fast system. 
Why won't the system allow me to start another download?
When a user starts a bulk-download, the system will prevent another request from being submitted until the first has completed. As stated above, the download process is very resource-intensive and needs to be managed. If we allowed multiple bulk-downloads at the same time, this would add additional load to the system and would lead to long delays and possibly failed exports.
Can I download the same zip file whenever I want?
The link you receive in the email allows you to download the zip file for 48 hours until it expires.
How long is the bulk-download process?
It will vary depending on the size of entries, number of attachments, and size of attachments.
Can I customise the titles of entry folders?
When bulk-downloading entries, the folder that contains an entry's PDF and attachments is dictated by the entry ID number and entry name and cannot be customised.
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