How can I, as a program manager, get a notification when an entry is submitted?

If you would like to receive a notification when an entrant submits an entry to your program, you can do so by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Open the Manage workspace and navigate to Settings > Communications > Notifications
  2. Select the checkbox next to your Entry submitted notification
  3. Open the Action drop-down and click Copy
    Copy in Action drop-down.png
  4. Click the name of your copied notification
  5. Remove the "(copy)" from the subject line and add in an optional description if desired
  6. If necessary, choose whether this notification is for all categories or just some using the Categories radio buttons
  7. Under the 'Recipient(s)' heading select the These email addresses and/or phone numbers: radio button
  8. Input your email address in the corresponding line
  9. Save
Important: to learn about regional regulations and limitations association with SMS, check out our dedicated guide: SMS limitations
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