Lock/Unlock judge scores

In configuring a VIP judging score set for your program, you've likely seen the option to Lock scores 5 minutes after completion.

Lock scores 5 minutes after completion checkbox.png

This option allows you to prevent your judges from editing the scores they've applied to an entry after 5 minutes. Once this time period has passed, your judges will be able to see the scores that they've assigned, but will not be able to alter them.

Note: if this option is selected after scoring has begun, you will need to recalculate the leaderboard (see: Leaderboard showing incorrect scores/decisions) to begin the 5 minute countdown for submitted scores. 

Should you need to unlock a score for any reason, you can do so by following the steps below.

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Judging > Settings > Assignments
  2. Locate the score that needs to be unlocked
  3. Click the 3 dots to the left of your Judge's name
  4. Select Unlock scoring
    Unlock scoring in ellipsis menu.png
Note:  unlocking of scores cannot be done in bulk and must be done one entry at a time.
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