Which image appears as the thumbnail?

The entry thumbnails displayed throughout the platform, such as the Entries view in the Manage workspace, a gallery, a voting page, etc. will always be the first image attachment uploaded within an entry. If attachments are uploaded exclusively within an attachments-type tab, the first image attached will become the thumbnail. If attachments are uploaded throughout the entry form, the files located within the attachments tab will take precedence. 

Tip: don't see a thumbnail in Entries? Check that the thumbnail box is selected in the cog menu above the list view. 
Thumbnail selection in entries cog menu.png

For programs that don't collect images, thumbnails can be generated using URL fields. If videos are collected, the first frame of the video will be used as the thumbnail image. 

Important: images larger than 16300px square cannot be displayed as a thumbnail.

Changing the thumbnail image

If a particular image should be displayed as the thumbnail, follow the steps below.

For entrants

  1. In the Enter workspace, navigate to Entries
  2. Click your entry name to open it
  3. Locate the attachments-type tab (generally titled 'Attachments' or 'Supporting materials')
  4. Click the small arrows next to the attachment number to move the proper image into the first location
    Arrows to move attachments into a new order
  5. Click Save + next to proceed to the next tab, Save + close to exit the entry editing area, or Submit entry to complete your submission
Important: an entry round must be open in order for an entrant to adjust their attachment order.

For program managers

  1. From the Manage workspace, navigate to Entries
  2. Locate the correct entry and click the entry's title or ID
  3. Click Edit near the top of the page
    Edit link in manager view.png
  4. Locate the attachments-type tab
  5. Click the small arrows next to the attachment number to move the proper image into the first location
    Arrows to move attachments into a new order
  6. Save + close
Tip: in the absence of images or a URL field, entry thumbnails will appear empty as shown below.
Entry with no file upload
Note: entries without an image uploaded will display on voting page like this:
Voting page with no image attachment
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