Email (Broadcast) entries in progress

As the entry deadline approaches you may want to contact entrants who haven't yet submitted their entries and remind them of the closing date. You can do this in Award Force by sending a broadcast. Broadcasts can either be sent in the moment or be scheduled in advance.

  1. In the Manage workspace, go to Entries
  2. Click the Advanced button located in the search bar
  3. In the Status filter, select In progress
  4. Click Search - this will display all the entries that are still In progress
  5. Click the Broadcast button at the top right
  6. On the next page, compose your message including a subject, body, and optional sender information
    New broadcast.png
    Tip: use merge fields to personalise your messages. 
  7. If you'd like to schedule this message to send later, choose the Schedule radio button under the 'Send time' heading
  8. Click Review + send when finished

You can learn more about broadcasts in our dedicated guide: Ultimate guide to broadcasts

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